Shatova Anna

Дата публикации: 09.06.2022

Опубликовано пользователем: Anna Shatova

Рубрика ГРНТИ: 14.00.00 Народное образование. Педагогика

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Библиографическая ссылка:
Shatova A. Component structure of learner autonomy of cadets // Портал научно-практических публикаций [Электронный ресурс]. URL: (дата обращения: 21.11.2023)

For the first time, the idea of autonomous learning was born in foreign pedagogy. Learner autonomy was considered by researchers in the context of mastering a foreign language and in relation to the system of higher education. At present, a significant amount of scientific and methodological materials has been accumulated concerning the issues of learner autonomy and autonomous learning activity. All the knowledge gained on this problem made it possible to reflect the main components of learner autonomy, which will form the basis for constructing a model of learner autonomy of cadets in the future [1].

Motivation is one of the most important components of learner autonomy. Motivation is the subjective side of mastering a subject, determined by the personal desires and predilections of cadets. The cognitive motive acquires a personal meaning in the activity, thanks to which the learning process has an independent value for the cadet, and he can cope with the difficulties that appear on the way of mastering knowledge of discipline. In other words, the cadet must want to do something himself.

Self-regulation plays an significant role in the development of cadets’ learner autonomy аlong with motivation. Self-regulation is the ability of a person to make an impact on himself, his psyche in order to change in the desired direction. Self-regulation also involves the mobilization of internal forces and overcoming doubts in decision-making process regarding their learning activity.

Personal traits are an essential component of the learning autonomy of cadets. Lectures should carry out constant work to educate students, improve their system of personal traits. Responsibility, independence, self-confidence contribute to personal growth, facilitate of interpersonal contacts, which stimulates the development of professional culture and a conscious, active attitude to their educational activity.

Metacognitive processes are considered by many researchers as one of the factors of successful cognitive activity of the subject. In addition, they determine its productivity. The content side of the metacognitive processes of developing students’ learner autonomy in the process of professional education will be represented by the following skills and abilities: goal-setting, planning and choosing learning strategies.

Goal-setting takes the first place in the process of developing learner autonomy of cadets in the learning process. The essence of this skill is the establishment by the cadets of the main goals and objectives of educational activity. The cognitive process and its direction will depend on cadets` ability for setting learning goals independently. Goal setting is an important skill not only in the educational process, but also in professional activity. The actions of an employee depend on the ability to set goals in solving various kinds of professional tasks. The ability to plan is to think through the means of their implementation in accordance with the goals of their own educational activity; the sequence of actions and their estimated time frame; selection of rational and optimal strategies corresponding to the level of knowledge, individual characteristics of cadets.

Reflection as part of the learner autonomy of cadets is one of the elements of success in the educational process. At the present, more and more attention is paid to the development of the personality, ready for self-development and self-education. Reflection of activity enables the cadet to be critical of himself, to realize his successes in educational and professional activity, to take responsibility for the decisions, to comprehend the ways and methods of working with educational material, to choose a strategy of behavior in the process of interaction. Self-esteem, self-analysis and self-control are the main components of reflection in our opinion.

Since we are faced with the task of developing cadets` learner autonomy in the process of professional education, the above components must be supported by the following abilities: independence and freedom of choice. Acting as an active subject of their learning activity, the cadet must be able to regulate the scope of goal-setting, plan and monitor without the participation and supervision of the lecturer. Therefore, if he acts as an autonomous subject, then he needs to have some degree of independence, to make a choice of methods and means free from someone else opinion, realizing full responsibility for the decisions made.

Despite the large number of works on this topic, there is still no single approach to understanding the essence of “educational autonomy”. This is due to the divergence of opinions on the content of the term and its component composition. After analyzing various approaches to the content of the concept of “learner autonomy” in various sources, we can conclude that learner autonomy is considered in three contexts: the psychological context actualizes the personal qualities of cadets, which allow them to take responsibility for their learning; the instrumental and technological context emphasizes the importance of cadets mastering learning strategies, as well as the formation of competencies of independent cognitive activity; the legal context draws attention to the right of cadets to choose the content, methods and forms of education, as well as control the content, process and learning results.

1. Перунова, А. В. Понятие учебной автономии в проблемном поле научных исследований / А. В. Перунова // Веснік Магілёўскага дзяржаўнага ўніверсітэта імя А. А. Куляшова. Сер. С. Псіхолага-педагагічныя навукі (педагогіка, псіхалогія, методыка). – 2021. – № 1 (57). – С. 47–52.

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