Tsvetkova Polina

Дата публикации: 21.01.2016

Опубликовано пользователем: Цветкова Полина Юрьевна

Библиографическая ссылка:
Tsvetkova P. Education and Specialization // Портал научно-практических публикаций [Электронный ресурс]. URL: (дата обращения: 11.12.2023)

Образование и специализация

Цветкова Полина Юрьевна

Самарский государственный архитектурно-строительный униврситет

студент 4 курса факультета ПГС


В статье освящается проблема выбора специальности. Осознанное определение будущей профессиональной сферы играет большую роль в процессе социализации человека. Также рассматривается реализация личности в профессиональной сфере.

Education and Specialization

Tsvetkova Polina

Samara Atate University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

forth year student of the Civil Engineering Faculty


The paper deals with the problem of specialization chioce. An informed choice is the great factor in the individual socialization. A personal fulfilment in the professional sphere is also discussed in the report.

My name is Polina Tsvetkova. I am a 4th year student of Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. I study at the Civil Engineering Faculty. I am fond of my University and I do love my specialization, as there is a large scale of fascinating knowledge, which can be implemented in practice. Since the beginning of my studies I have realised, that my specialization fits me. Almost every subject was interesting for me. In the second year I remember one discipline: Building materials. Classes were held in a well-equipped room, so I had an opportunity to test main building materials such as:

- concrete

- wood

- ceramics

- glass

Due to these tests I learnt to determine:

-         water resistance of materials

-         frost resistance

-         strength and other characteristics

The next important subject was architecture where I obtained experience in making models, engineering constructions and designing buildings.

Another significant discipline was engineering mechanics: I learned to calculate:

-         Ultimating extreme load of frame and joists

-         Ultimating  load analysis

-         Limiting load margin

That made me, a young girl, to be involved in the building sphere. Since then during the studying process, coping with complexity, I underwent some transformation, which almost made me a practical specialist. And I am very grateful to my teachers, who spent a good deal of time, explaining to me difficult materials and checking my mistakes. They give theirs best shot, trying to involve us in the specialization. And I, in return, spent almost all my free time on studying. More over every year I take part in students’ scientific conferences. In 2013 I took part at University conferences with my research in stressing a foundation and its influence on a basal complex. It was a highly emotional experience, I prepared seriously, did a huge amount of calculations and analyses and finally my project won the second place and an offer to be published. In 2014 I continued this work by holding an experiment in my own-made model. I was on my high horse and took the first place at the Students` Regional Conference.

To be a perfect specialist it`s important to share knowledge all over the world, so, there should be no difficulties, for instance another language, in obtaining the data. That is why in 2013 I entered the English course «An Interpreter in the Sphere of Professional Communication». Education on this courses gave me more than I expected. Professional teachers not only made us understand words, they developed our brainwork by unique and effective tasks. Due to these courses I can use foreign articles in the course of studies and it is not a problem to publish my papers in foreign magazines any more.

Now, ending the First stage of my education I determined with specialization. It is soil engineering, bases and foundations. This sphere attracts me as it includes different objects, contains unusual solutions and highly qualified specialists. So, I have great opportunities to perfect and develop myself.

In future I want to be an engineer in the sphere of underground building. My work will consist of geological examination, foundation design, developing new types of foundation construction and analysis of the existing buildings.

Geotechnical engineering is the branch of civil engineering concerned with the engineering behavior of earth materials. Geotechnical engineering is important in civil engineering, but also has applications in military, mining, petroleum and other engineering disciplines that are concerned with construction occurring on the surface or within the ground. Geotechnical engineering uses principles of soil mechanics and rock mechanics to investigate subsurface conditions and materials; determine the relevant physical/mechanical and chemical properties of these materials; evaluate stability of natural slopes and man-made soil deposits; assess risks posed by site conditions; design earthworks and structure foundations; and monitor site conditions, earthwork and foundation construction.

In conclusion I want to come up with a quotation of Theodore von Kármán Hungarian-American physicist and aeronautical engineer to reveal insights into the engineer essence:

« Scientists study the world as it is; engineers create the world that has never been. »

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